We would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who attended the Broadley Rees Hogan Body Corporate Seminar last Thursday 8th December.
A special mention must go to Special Counsel Brent Turnbull, who did a fantastic job presenting issues associated with defective building work that affect body corporate management.
We look forward to hosting our next seminar in the new year. Watch this space.
- Special Counsel Brent Turnbull
- Attendees at the seminar
- Discussing the role of the contract
- Attendees mingling post seminar
Broadley Rees Hogan (BRH Lawyers) is an independent firm, specialising in corporate, commercial, property, construction and litigation. Based in Brisbane, we act for clients across the country and internationally – for an unassuming firm, we know how to deal big.
For more information, please visit www.brhlawyers.com.au or contact us on (07) 3223 9100.