E-Alert: New BCCM Regulations – Changes to the Commercial Module

Following our last e-Alert on 10 February 2020, on the Queensland Government passing new body corporate and community management regulation modules which became law on [...]

E-Alert: New BCCM Regulations – Changes to the Standard Module and Accommodation Module

On 30 September 2020, the Queensland Government published the new body corporate and community management regulation modules which become law on 1 March 2021. The changes [...]

E-Alert: A new line of Credit? Extension of Queensland COVID-19 Leasing Regulations

The initial period of compliance under the Retail Shop Leases and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19 Emergency Response) Regulation 2020 (Regulations) was expected to finish on [...]

E-Alert: Is there a place for incentives and rebates in land sales?

Over many years, incentives such as lucky draws for vehicles, payment of transfer duty for the buyer and other incentives such as rebates have been [...]