E-Alert: Frustrated by COVID-19? Sure! But what about your contract?

When the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed, we hear words like “unprecedented”, “once in a lifetime” and “never-before-seen”. The recent case of Happy Lounge Pty Ltd [...]

E-Alert: It’s not about COVID – Force Majeure and Frustration

Most jurisdictions have laws that assist when supervening events occur and most commercial contracts seek to allocate risk and establish rights and obligations in the [...]

E-Alert: Queensland Land Tax Relief

Following suit from the Federal Government’s newly introduced leasing principles, the Queensland Government has implemented its own principles which a commercial landowner must comply with [...]

E-Alert: The Concept of Abandonment in Contracts

Recently we have written articles to guide our readers through the impacts of COVID-19 and that has brought to the forefront of many thoughtful minds [...]