E-ALERT: Annual Wage Review 2016 – 2017

FWC awards 3.3% wage increase For clients and businesses who pay either strictly in accordance with or by reference to award rates of pay or [...]

E-alert: Historic Award Penalty Rates Decision – Fair Work Commission Reduces Weekend and Public Holiday Penalty Rates

The Fair Work Commission today handed down its long awaited and politically sensitive decision about whether long standing penalty rates on weekends and public holidays [...]

E-Alert: The Fair Work Ombudsman Comes Hunting – Personal and Supply Chain Risk in Employment Compliance, Underpayments and Penalties

7-Eleven – Obscures the real exposure The media coverage of the underpayment allegations and prosecutions against franchisees of 7-Eleven has highlighted the potentially significant business [...]

E-Alert – Update to Employment Related Financial Thresholds

Changes to important employment related financial thresholds Many important employment related monetary thresholds are indexed annually on 1 July. Below is a checklist of some [...]